pastor didn’t think it a problem and took the idea a step further. He invested in the artists. He insisted they learn about the
history of art in the church and encouraged them to visit a museum in
Barcelona. The artists complied.
a result, that church’s dome hosts a beautiful portrait of Jesus and His people
– painted by two graffiti artists. The
graffiti artists’ portrait is so well done it is being celebrated all over the
world. One article describes it in
saying, “The result is a spectacular splash of color…on
the rounded ceiling dominating the main sanctuary. But don’t think street
art. In fact, the style of the
painting is faithfully Romanesque…”
see the fingerprints of Jesus and Easter all over that story. Two artists that many would write off
as criminals were invited into God’s house. The church loved them and invested in them. As a result, their art is glorifying
God around the world. How many of
our lives might be compared to that art?
Criminal art gets invited to church and is changed into God glorifying art.
Easter, take time to see the masterpiece that Jesus is creating in and through
His church. His resurrection is at
work in the world and we are His masterpieces. He is taking criminals and making them into "Michelangelos." Praise the Lord for His
love of graffiti like you and me and the hope that He can make us a
masterpiece for His glory.