Pentecostals talk back, yelling “truth,” they are not being disrespectful. The congregation is agreeing with the
preacher, recognizing the truth of the preacher’s message. Because the congregation talks back, the
sermon is more than an exchange of information between pastor and pupil. The sermon is a celebration of God’s
truth. That celebration of truth
is a vital part of our worship.
Jesus emphasizes the importance of
truth in worship. In John 4, Jesus
tells the woman at the well, “true worshipers will worship the Father in the
Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” The celebration of God’s truth in
worship is important to worship like God’s Spirit is important to worship.
you pray this week, take time to declare God’s truth. Recite the 23rd Psalm as a prayerful declaration
of truth. Make statements about
God’s goodness. When praying in
group, agree with your friends in prayer: “That is right. Amen! Truth!” Celebrate
the truth of who God is. As you
do, you will see Jesus lifted high by your back talk. That is the ultimate goal of every Christian – Pentecostal or
not. Truth!