are in the middle of a yearlong emphasis on worship at Faith Center. 2013-2014 is a year to worship on
purpose. We want to put purpose
into our worship. Meaning: we
worship Jesus with intention. Then,
we want to worship Jesus for purpose.
Meaning: our worship of Jesus energizes us to fulfill the mission of
Jesus. Since Christmas is a season
of worship, we at Faith Center will do it on purpose.
will be worshiping every Sunday in December at 9:00 and 10:45a. Each week will include specials ways to
worship, from silence to candle lighting to communion to a kids choir. Sunday, 12/08, we will host an evening of worship, including
sacred carols, worship songs, and
prayer. On Christmas Eve, our
season of worship will culminate with a special candle light service. December, 2013 will be a season of
worshiping Jesus at Faith Center.
holiday season, make worshiping Jesus the foundation of every Christmas
activity. As you do, you will find
that he is indeed the reason for this wonderful season. You will also find that He is very much
worth our worship.