Leah returned from last Saturday's Christmas brunch and said, "Kathy Baker gave a great teaching on tradition at Christmas." I asked Kathy to send me a condensed version, I read it, and agree with Leah. It is great. So, this week, I'm sharing it with y'all on the blog. Enjoy Kathy's thoughts and Merry Christmas!
Out of all the wonderful
traditions surrounding Christmas, the one that I enjoy the most is the
music. Music has always told the
story of who we are; what we feel through our experiences both past and
present, and the deep longing in what we hope for in the future. Christmas music is no different.
favorite Christmas song, O Come, O Come
Emmanuel, contains these three dimensions of past present and future within
its many verses. The song is
thought to be written sometime before 800 AD most likely by an anonymous monk
in Europe and was originally an antiphonal chant used as a call and response
between two choirs. It found a new
and haunting melody in the company of French nuns ministering in Portugal in
the 15th century, rediscovered and transcribed from Latin into
English by an Anglican priest serving in the Madeira Islands off the coast of
Africa in the early 19th century.
song, based on Isaiah 7:14, "The virgin
will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel" (which
means “God with us”) speaks first out of the ancient past as
the Israelites longed for God’s deliverance from their captivity in Babylon
through the promise of a great and coming King, to the author’s present moment
living in the Dark Ages as he also looked for Christ coming to them, and
finally to the hope for the future where God would come and bind all peoples in one heart and mind. To each generation the author proclaims
Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you!
comes to us in every generation because God’s love for the world is so
extravagant that He gave us His only son. Jesus, the living Word became flesh
and blood and moved into the neighborhood. And that same Jesus who was taken from the earth into heaven
will come back in the same way that he left. In this promise we have hope. Past, Present and Future: The song of Emmanuel, God with us, is a song for every