is risen, indeed. The dictionary defines the word indeed
like this: in fact, in truth…in reality.
A Christian saying, “He is risen indeed” is basically saying, He is
risen in reality. That is an
important tidbit to hold onto when celebrating Easter.
can be tempted to celebrate Easter like it isn’t a reality. We think of Jesus as a person who lived
a long time ago, disconnected from our lives. We remember that Jesus got up from the dead like a history
lesson. In doing so, we forget
that Jesus is still alive. Because
Jesus got up, Jesus is at work in the here and now – in our reality.
we forget this truth, the old Christian greeting reminds us that Jesus is risen
indeed. Jesus’ resurrection shapes our reality today. Death is no longer the ultimate end of
our lives. Jesus is. The grave is not the end of our
story. Jesus is. For Christians, the resurrection is not
a myth or tradition, but a reality that changes every aspect of who we are and
how we live.
you worship Jesus this Easter, worship Him in the reality and truth of His
resurrection. He is alive and
present in the His Holy Spirit. He
is continuing His resurrection work in the world around us. Lives are being saved. People are being healed. Death is overcome. All of this is true because He is
risen. He is risen, INDEED!