Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Spiritual Bath

This week, I read a story about an Iranian man who hasn’t taken a bath in sixty years. The last time Amou Haji washed was in 1954. The article said that Haji “has become almost the same colour as the earth around him and he totally blends in with his environment.” Haji is so dirty, his skin looks like the dirt in his desert home.

You would think that this is a problem. Haji lives alone. People report that he smells bad. He wants to find someone to love, but has no prospects.

Despite those challenges, Haji seems to be proud of the accomplishment. He is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the person who has gone the longest amount of time without a bath. He is quite famous for the grime and does not plan on bathing any time soon.

Haji’s story is a great illustration of the human spiritual condition. We know that our souls need a spiritual bath. But, we neglect it. We neglect it for so long, it becomes a source of pride. We win awards and celebrate the dirt caked on our spiritual lives. After years of broken relationships, we’ll say, “People know not to mess with me!” After years of addiction, we wear it like a badge: “Nobody can put ‘em back like me!” We never pause to think that our greatest ills are rooted in the things we celebrate as accomplishments.

As you go through the coming week, ask the Lord to give you a spiritual bath. Seek the Lord earnestly, asking Jesus to reveal areas of your life that need to be washed clean. Then, ask Jesus to do His cleansing work. As you do, you will find victory in ways you didn’t think possible. You will be cleansed in a ways far better than the longest of world records.

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