Thursday, May 8, 2014

Learning to Follow

For generations, cowboys trained wild horses by forcing horses into submission. This is often referred to it as “breaking a horse.” Through a series of exercises, the cowboy forces a horse wear a saddle, yield to a bridle, take direction from a rider, and so on.

More recently, a rodeo cowboy named Monty Roberts developed a different method of training. Roberts studied the body gestures of horses and tried to communicate on the horse’s terms. Roberts invited horses to follow him using their means of communication. Rather than forcing them into submission, Roberts encourages horses to willingly follow his lead. It worked. Roberts became known the world over as a horse whisperer.

In similar, but much more meaningful ways, God invites us to follow Him. God speaks to us in our language through His Son Jesus. Jesus encourages us to willingly choose Him and follow His way. Jesus describes it well in the Gospel of Matthew: “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jesus seeks to build us up rather than break us down.

As you worship this week, take time to follow Jesus’ lead. When you pray, take time to listen. If you journal, ask yourself where the Lord might be leading you. Then, write down some possible answers. Look at your life as one big opportunity for following Jesus. As you do, you will see that the Lord is a gentle and loving teacher. You will also find the life God created you for.

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