Thursday, June 19, 2014

World Cup and Worship

Last week marked the beginning of the 2014 World Cup. Soccer teams from all over the world converged on fields to play one another.  By the millions, fans watched their perspective teams compete, cheering on the "home team." Arguably, like no other event, the World Cup invites very different people to put aside very real differences for the sake of a common love. 

Well, there may be one event that invites more people to set aside their differences for a common love. It happens every Sunday…in Aloha, Sydney, Cape Town, Shanghai, L.A. and Sao Paulo. We call it church. Every Sabbath, Christians from all over the world, from different backgrounds, interests and experiences engage in a common event. We worship Jesus Christ as Lord.

Isaiah, Romans and Philippians all celebrate this type of unity in worship. They promise that there will be a day when all people - from all backgrounds - recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Those scriptures promise that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Christian worship on Sunday morning is simply a glimpse of that coming day.

As you worship this week, remember that you are a part of something far bigger than your own culture and experiences and interests. You are part of Jesus’ worshiping church. We worship with saints from many nations and peoples and heritages. That is a wonderful thing because that is what it takes to worship such an awesome Lord.

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