Thursday, August 7, 2014


Years ago, Leah and I attended a really great concert. One of my favorite bands played some of my favorite songs. The mix was crisp and clear. The lighting was tasteful. The crowd jumped up and down when they were supposed to. They sang along at all the right places.  By the end of that show, I thought to myself, “That…was…awesome!” 

I was right in describing the concert as awesome. It inspired awe. It gave me a sense of wonder and amazement. The experience of the show was (and still is) hard to put into words.

When Christians worship Jesus, we invite the same sense of wonder and awe. But instead of being amazed by rock bands, we are amazed by the Lord. God gives us a sense of wonder and amazement in worship. Sometimes, our experience of God’s goodness is hard to put into words.

In the book of Job, we find this type of awesome God. Job 5:9 says, “He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.” God leaves us amazed. God is hard to put into words.

As you worship this week, recognize the wonders of God and be blown away. Let His praise be hard to put into words. As you do, you will experience more of His goodness. You may even walk away thinking, “That…was…awesome!”

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