Thursday, August 13, 2015

Great Guitars and the Image of God

A few years ago, Gretsch Guitars manufactured sixty replicas of George Harrison’s favorite guitar. Harrison loved the Gretsch Duo Jet and described the guitar as the “first really decent guitar.” Gretsch replicated the guitar in tribute to the legendary rock musician and went so far as copying the nicks and dings Harrison added during his years of use. Suggested retail price for the copy of the used guitar: $20,000.00.

Why would anyone pay so much money for the copy of a beat up guitar? The answer is fairly straightforward: the original guitar is so valuable as a collector’s item that guitars reflecting its image reflect a degree of its value. In fact, the more the replica reflects the image of the original, the higher the value.

In a way, Gretsch’s replication of the Duo Jet illustrates the redemptive work of Jesus. Jesus Christ, in the fullness of His resurrection, is priceless. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, Jesus is creating replicas. His people, the church, are being made into His exact image. We are valuable because we reflect the image of the highest value of all – Jesus Christ.

In his second letter to the church in Corinth, the Apostle Paul writes, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” According to Paul, the more we are transformed into the image of Jesus, the more we reflect His glory. God’s people reflect the glory of Jesus.

As you go through the coming week, continue to open your life to Jesus. Pray to Jesus. Read about Jesus in the scriptures. Invite Jesus to make you into His image, reflecting every detail of His character. As you do, you will be made more and more glorious like Jesus. Along the way, you will find that His holiness is way more valuable than any guitar.

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