Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Heimlich Maneuver & Holy Living

Last month, a senior citizen’s center in the Cincinnati, Ohio avoided a serious accident. An 87-year-old resident began choking on a piece of hamburger during mealtime. She began waving in distress, catching the attention of another 96-year-old resident. The 96-year-old performed a first aid procedure known as the "Heimlich Maneuver," dislodging the beef from the 87-year-old’s airway. Life saved. Accident averted.

Come to find out, the 96-year-old deliverer of first aid was Dr. Henry Heimlich, inventor of the maneuver that saved that woman's life. In fact, that hamburger incident was the first time Dr. Henry Heimlich performed the first aid maneuver he created. Though he is the namesake of a life saving practice, he didn’t use it until the very end of His life.

I wonder if Dr. Heimlich’s funny story illustrates our participation many Christian practices. Though Christians are associated with worshiping Jesus, loving our enemies, caring for the poor, evangelizing, we don’t necessarily put it into practice. We grow older and find opportunity to do the things associated with Christians and realize, “Wow! That works!”

In the Gospel of John, Jesus tells His disciples, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father,” (John 14:12). So, believing in Jesus as a Christian involves following Jesus’ example of behavior. In other words, Christianity is built to be put into practice.

As you go through the coming week, put the activities associated with Christianity into practice. Pray, study, worship, witness, love and serve. No need to wait until a crises arises in your nursing home. Jesus has given us a faith to be lived today.

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