A frustrating part of following the ever-changing market is the way in which it is reported. If stocks plummet and the NYSE has a bad day, the story is a front-page headline hi-lighted in red. If the Dow posts strong gains, the story gets mentioned in passing with little fan fare, somewhere in the margins. People love to hear bad news about money.
The world’s financial markets are a constant reminder of my need for Christ. I would go nuts if my family’s welfare ultimately depended on the roller coaster world of money. Every up and down of the ever changing, preferably bad financial markets would make me a nervous wreck.
Good thing Jesus offers an alternative. Jesus meets the ever-changing bad news of money with the unchanging good news of the Gospel. He is in control, He is good, and He will take care of His people. Financial markets may crash and global economies crumble, but Jesus will still be in control and care for you. Count on it. Take it to the bank. Cash it in.
As you worship today, take comfort in God’s unchanging promise to His people. It is old (goes all the way back to Moses), but it does not change. He will see His promise through. The money of this world will never compare with the surest investment in human history: faith in Christ.
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