Friday, April 22, 2011

Sunday's Coming!

There is a famous sermon entitled, “It’s Friday, But Sunday’s Coming.” The Sermon points out that the cross Jesus endured on Good Friday looks like a loss at first appearances. Because the suffering of Christ’s cross looks like a loss, it is always important to remember that the victory of Resurrection Sunday is coming.

Today, Christians are remembering what Jesus gave on the cross. The Son of God suffered and was crucified for the sins of the world. His disciples were scattered, Roman soldiers mocked Him, He died, and was buried in a borrowed tomb. It’s Friday, but Sunday’s coming.

This Sunday morning is Easter and we at Faith Center will celebrate that the loss of Good Friday could not hold Jesus. The death and embarrassment of Friday was a part of Jesus’ resurrection game plan. On Sunday morning, Jesus rose from the dead as victor over sin and death. Because of that victory, we are not bound by sin and death. Because of that freedom, we celebrate. Jesus is alive and at work in the world. Jesus is Lord of all! Hallelujah!

Join us in celebrating this Easter Sunday. We will hold services at 9:00a and 10:45a. And, please remember: It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming!

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