Nicholas was a Christian Bishop who lived during the fourth century in Turkey. Among many other things, Nicholas
became known for giving gifts anonymously. Legend has it that Nicholas gave to a poor man who needed
money to help his daughters. Saint
Nicholas gave the money anonymously by sneaking purses filled with gold coins
into the poor man’s house. He gave
one purse, three nights in a row, one for each daughter.
giving the second purse, the poor man realized Nicholas was the giver and
confronted him. Nicholas insisted
that God had provided for the poor man.
In order to not be seen the third night, Saint Nicholas climbed on the
man’s roof and dropped the third purse down the chimney. The third daughter had just so happened
to wash her stockings that night and hung them above the embers of the fireplace
to dry. The third purse of gold
fell into the stocking, helping the poor man’s last daughter.
giving is a healthy spiritual exercise for all Christians – not just Ol’ Saint
Nick. It allows the giver to serve
others out of complete devotion to God.
Anonymous giving removes any temptation to give out of a desire for
recognition or something in return.
It also allows the recipient to recognize God’s provision through His
Jesus uses vivid imagery in promoting anonymous
giving. In Matthew 6, Jesus tells
His followers, “But when you
give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is
doing, so that your giving may be in secret.” Though it is impossible for our left hand to not know what
our right hand is doing, it is a helpful illustration of the importance of
giving without recognition.
Center is organizing an opportunity for our church family to give anonymously. We have placed Christmas ornaments on
the Christmas tree in the sanctuary.
Each ornament lists needs and wishes of families who could use help this
Christmas. You, your family, or
your Growth Group, can take those ornaments, purchase gifts, return them to the
church, and we will make sure they make it to the family in need. Your left hand will be none the wiser
and God will be honored because of it.
Christmas, join the tradition of Ol’ Saint Nick. Give out of complete devotion to Jesus. Give so that the world knows that God
is providing. Give because the God
you love gave all, two thousand years ago, in a manger in Bethlehem.