When I was in college, I went on a mission trip to
Mexico during Spring Break. A
group of us visited an impoverished suburb of Tijuana and helped build a small
home for a family. It was a
life-changing week.
I hadn’t experienced that
type of poverty before. I can
remember sitting on top of the house we were working on, overlooking miles of
scrap metal, plastic, and cardboard homes. I was struck by the challenges of life there. I remember thinking, “I’m here for
Spring Break. These folks live
here every week, every month, every year.”
poor often live in communities like that because they don’t have a choice. Economic realities in developing
nations insist that large numbers of people live on very little. But, there are also people living there,
every week, every month, every year who do have a choice. They have the means to live in “better”
neighborhoods, but choose to live in a slum, hosting groups like ours, building
houses for the poor.

aren’t only noble because they often set aside privilege for the sake of
spreading the Gospel. Missionaries
are also noble because they remind all Christians that the call to missions
can’t be relegated to Spring Break.
All of us are called to set aside comforts in order to advance God’s
kingdom, wherever we are. Jesus
calls all of us to a life of service and evangelism.
you go through the coming week, remember those missionaries who sacrifice much
for the Gospel. Pray for
them. Give money in support of
their work. Then, let their
faithful service inspire you to be a missionary in your world – every week,
every month, every year.
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