Thursday, August 8, 2013

Arthur Miller, Marilyn Monroe, and God's Love

In his autobiography, the great playwright Arthur Miller describes a particularly dark time in his marriage to Marilyn Monroe.  During the filming of Miller’s screenplay The Misfits, Monroe descended into a deep depression.  Monroe became increasingly paranoid and dependent on barbiturates.  This left the couple estranged.
When things seemed to be at their worst, Miller snuck into his wife’s bedroom and watched her sleep under the aid of drugs.  Miller was a well-known atheist, but found himself wishing for miracles.  Miller writes, “I found myself straining to imagine miracles.  What if she were to wake and I were able to say, 'God loves you, darling,' and she were able to believe it! How I wished I still had my religion and she hers."

In the darkest of moments, the self described Atheist thought belief in God’s love would help.  What if she were to wake and I were able to say, 'God loves you, darling,' and she were able to believe it!  I can relate to the hope and wonder of Miller’s question.  If someone were to truly believe in God’s love for them, surely it would change things for the better.

It is hard to hate yourself when you truly believe God loves you.  It is hard to be self-destructive when you truly believe God loves you.  The reason being this: stuff that God loves has God given value and worth.   And, we are much less likely to hurt that which God Almighty has given value and worth to.

As you go through the coming week, believe that God loves you.  Ask the Lord to encourage that belief in you.  Read the scriptures as an expression of love to you.  Recite the famous verse, “For God so loved the world” over and over again.  Truly believe that God loves you and let that love influence every aspect of your life.

1 comment:

  1. So love to read your blog. Knowing that God is always there to guide us and give us confort during our darkest hour is such a blessing.
