Thursday, October 17, 2013

Trust and Worship

Psalm 37:5-6 says, “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.”  Basically, the Psalm writer tells us to have faith in God in all we do because He is the only one who can ultimately provide.  The Lord is the only source of our salvation. 

Throughout the week, there are a thousand different things that try to pull that faith away from Jesus.  We get a little money in our bank account and greed tells us that money will make us worry free.  We drive past the car lot and materialism tells us that fancy vehicles will make us happy.  We hear a political candidate on the television and ambition tells us a human system is our best hope for redemption. Though money, cars, and politicians are not bad in and of themselves, the moment we place our trust in them over and above Jesus, they become idols. 

As we worship this week, cast all idols aside.  Use this time to follow the Psalm writer’s direction: commit your way to the Lord; trust in him.  He is the only one who can meet your needs.  He is the only one who truly saves.  After all, that is why Jesus Christ is worth or worship. 

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