With those experiences in mind, I wonder if God has tried to communicate with us in similar ways. God blesses us with us spiritual fireworks during mountain top devotional experiences. It happens in worship services, prayer closets, and small groups. Behind the beauty and excitement of the spiritual fire, God sends a quiet message: “Follow me. Care for the poor. Love your neighbor.” If we are too focused on the spiritual fireworks themselves, we might miss the message.
The people at Pentecost had that type of experience. Spiritual fireworks went off and it was awesome. In the midst of all the sparkle, God sent an important message: “Jesus Christ is the living messiah! Jesus Christ is Lord of all!” Good thing Peter, the disciples, and many others were paying attention. Peter stood up and announced the message for all to hear.
In the future, when you are blessed with spiritual fireworks in your devotional life, look for the message God is trying to communicate. Ask, “What is Jesus trying to say with this? Where is the Holy Spirit trying to lead?” As you do, you will find important direction for following God’s will. You will also enjoy God’s spiritual sparklers to the very fullest.
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