Thursday, September 3, 2015

Discovering What We Already Knew, Anew

Concussions have been a hot topic in the news. Retired football players report problems symptomatic of head trauma, claiming the trauma is a result of playing football. In response, medical researchers across the country are pouring resources into the study of sports related head trauma. Many are finding a direct correlation between full contact football and premature loss of brain function.

This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to some. Putting on a helmet and running head-to-head with a 250 pound, muscle builder will knock your brain around. Do it enough times and the collision will have lasting results. Researchers are discovering what we’ve known all along: football can knock a person senseless.

Discovering what we already knew isn't isolated to sport. It happens in our spiritual lives too. We know that life apart from relationship with Jesus isn’t good for the soul. Sin leads to drama. But, we do it anyway. With time, we realize, “As it turns out, neglecting relationship with Jesus negatively impacts the spiritual life. I have learned this through extensive research!” We turn our attention back to Jesus and He begins cultivating the life abundant again.

The early church in Corinth wrestled with it. They had been told of the challenges of life apart from God’s will. They did the research and discovered what they already knew: Sin enslaves. Jesus frees. Paul calls them discover what they already know. Paul writes, “Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand, by this gospel you are saved…” The Corinthians are discovering what they already knew (anew).

With that in mind, let me encourage you to go with what you already know. Sin enslaves.  Jesus frees.  No need to test the theory. Stay focused on Jesus and enjoy what you already know. As you do, you will be blessed by the God who never fails.

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